Galois theoretic aspects of stable homotopy theory

Register here (Extended deadline 15 May 2023)
Submit a poster here (extended deadline 1 May 2023)
Maths Lecture Theatre
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


The introductory talks on Monday are in Maths 503. The Tuesday and Wednesday talks are all in MLT, Maths Lecture Theatre (Maths Building)

Monday 15/01

Tuesday 16/01

Wednesday 17/01

Confirmed speakers


We are, unfortunately, unable to provide accommodation for participants. If you would like to book accommodation, the following are some of the options among the huge variety of other possibilities.

The theme of this meeting is (loosely) around arithmetic and Galois theoretic aspects of stable homotopy theory, with a little bit of geometry (Floer homotopy theory). We hope it will be attractive to researchers in Number Theory and Geometry who are keen to explore possible connections to homotopy thoery. The research talks will take place on Tuesday-Wednesday, January 16-17. In addition, there will be introductory talks by Jack Davies (on basics of Stable Homotopy Theory) and Noah Porcelli (on Symplectic Geometry and Floer theory) on Monday, January 15.

Registration is now open: registration form. Please register by midnight Sunday, 14 of January. You do not need to register to attend, but registration helps us estimate how much tea/coffee and biscuits will need to be provided by the catering team. (So if you show up without registering bring your own tea/coffee and biscuits! 🍵)